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Savannah Chrisley Shares Devastating Way Her Siblings Have Responded to Their Parents Being in Prison

  • Family
  • 3 min read

Weeks after Todd and Julie Chrisley turned themselves in to begin their prison sentence, their daughter, Savannah Chrisley, is sharing an update.

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Savannah has gained custody of Todd and Julie’s youngest son and their only granddaughter. Their son Grayson is 16 years old, and their granddaughter Chloe is 10.

Savannah Chrisley Shares Devastating Way Her Siblings Have Responded to Their Parents Being in Prison

During a November episode of her podcast, Unlocked, Savannah confirmed that she would assume custody of Grayson and Chloe while her parents were serving time in prison. Todd and Julie are serving time after they were found guilty of “taking out $30 million in fraudulent bank loans to fund their lavish lifestyle and extravagant spending even before they become reality television stars. They used a film production company they controlled to hide income to keep the IRS from collecting unpaid taxes owed by Todd Chrisley.”

Despite the guilty verdict, both Julie and Todd have maintained their innocence. Now, Savannah is sharing how her parents are doing in prison and how their children on handling it as well.

During the newest episode of Unlocked, Savannah revealed that she’s doing her best to stay strong for Grayson and Chloe but admits that it has “been hard. It’s been hard to understand, process, and also help two kids process what’s going on in our life.”

However, while Savannah’s been doing her best to “guide them” through this “very, very difficult” process, Grayson has had a breakdown since his parents have been in prison.

“Grayson is 16 years old, [and] there’s so much growth going on with him right now. And it breaks my heart to know that my parents are missing out on that. Last night, Gray had a breakdown, and he’s trying to process my parents and the situation that they’re in and how that’s not the image that he wants to have of them.”


Savannah continued, adding that Chloe has struggled to understand why her prayers aren’t being answered during this time. “We were driving down the road the other day, and Chloe had so much anger towards the situation, and she just said, ‘Why? They’re not bad people. They don’t belong there.’”

“She looked at me with tears just rolling down her face and said, ‘Guess what? I pray all the time. I pray for mom and dad to get home, I pray all day, and guess what, Sassy? Nothing happens – it doesn’t work.’ And when a 10-year-old says that to you, how do you respond?”

And although she admits to not feeling “adequate” enough to care for her siblings, she adds that “It makes my heart to know that my parents are okay.”

“We talk to him, we email him. We get to see him, so for that, I am forever grateful because there are so many people that don’t get to see their loved ones that are in different facilities, that are maybe in maximum-security prisons that don’t get visitors, that have to say hello through a piece of glass.”

As for Julie, Savannah adds, “It sounds crazy for me to say, ‘Alright, they’re doing really well,’ but they are. My mom, she’s made friends, she’s keeping busy, she’s going to church, she’s working, she’s playing some spades.”

Todd has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, while Julie has been sentenced to 7 years.
