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Mom gives birth to rare identical quadruplet baby girls

  • Wow
  • 4 min read
The chances are 1 in 15 million!

To bear a child for 9 months is not a joke, let alone be pregnant with FOUR babies!

This was precisely the case for this mom who weathered the storm after giving birth to quadruplets!

Taylor Becher of Albertville, Minnesota redefined the meaning of motherhood when she bravely hurdled the challenges of having multiple lives inside her tummy.

It was March 11, 2020, when she and her boyfriend Lance Thompson learned about this huge news.

They learned that they were having quadruplets! The couple was caught in a little shock after discovering the four new members of their family.

They already had a 21-month-old little boy back then and having four new babies was obviously quite an addition.

Although she’s not a first-time parent, having quadruplets still scared her.

That’s totally understandable because having multiple babies during pregnancy still hits different compared to having just one.

It’s times four the effort and care all throughout those nine months of carrying them. Gladly, Lance was there during the process, from start to finish.

The emotional support and his undying presence tremendously helped Taylor during those crucial months.

Nevertheless, she enjoyed preparing and buying her little angels’ needs like newborn clothes and car seats.

The day finally came!

Taylor gave birth to their new set of bundles of joy. They were four little princesses named, Lakely, Sawyer, Kennedy, and Aurora.

What surprised them the most was when they found out their newborn baby girls are all identical!

But still, the couple was thankful because the operation went well and all their girls were safe.

They were all healthy and no one had any complications or health-related issues.

Sawyer was the biggest among them four, she weighed 3 pounds and 3 ounces. While Lakely was the smallest at 2 pounds and 3 ounces.

During pregnancy, Taylor said that Lakely didn’t grow as fast as her other sister. However, she’s the only one who didn’t need breathing assistance.

Having identical quadruplets is rare, it only happens once in 15 million births!

However, multiple pregnancy and birth come with risks, according to

“Complications increase with each additional fetus in a multiple pregnancy and include many medical issues that will be discussed below. In addition to these, there is a higher incidence of severe nausea and vomiting, cesarean section, or forceps delivery.”

Despite all these risk factors, the beauty of its existence is still magical, don’t you agree?

Lakely, Sawyer, Kennedy, and Aurora are now 2 years old!


Luckily, Taylor and Lance were able to keep up with taking care of five children, particularly their quadruplets.

From a family of three to a family of seven all of a sudden! That’s quite a jump, isn’t it? But the Thompsons couldn’t be happier with what and where fate brought them.

To share all the fun and good vibes with the rest of the world, the couple decided to put up social media accounts to keep people updated.

They are on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. There, the family shares a piece of their life and what they regularly do to make parenting work, particularly dealing with quadruplets.

Another good news is that Taylor and Lance are set to tie the knot this May 21st! Make sure to celebrate with them and their beautiful family.

Watch the video below to know more about the identical quadruplets.

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