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Grandma’s Last-Minute Christmas Gift Makes For A Holiday To Remember

  • Family
  • 2 min read

Christmas is such a wonderful and nostalgic time of the year for me, and I’m sure for the majority of you also. The sights, the sounds, the smells, there’s nothing that brings me back to a time of innocence and pure joy like the holiday season!

In saying that, I can’t imagine receiving such a life-changing, surprise Christmas gift like the woman in the video below. Eva thought her gift was her son returning home from the military. Well, she was right about that part… But it was so much more. 🙂

She didn’t know until the moment they walked through her door that she was now a grandmother! Her son and his wife decided to adopt a child, and since many things can fall through during the adoption process, they kept it all to themselves until it became official.

And they didn’t think a phone call or FaceTime chat or email was an appropriate way to break the news. So they went with the surprise, in-person approach! And I have to say, I think they made the right decision! Grandma’s life changed in an instant for the better, and it’s a Christmas she’ll never forget. <3

Watch the heartwarming reaction in the video below!

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