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Miranda Lambert stops another concert and finally responds to the ‘selfie backlash’

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Miranda Lambert stops another concert and calls out a fan for her T-shirt.

Her ‘bad girl’ image made her a fan favorite, but it seems like singer Miranda Lambert feels zero remorse for embarrassing her fans…yet again.

During a performance at Las Vegas, where she has a residency slot, Lambert called out a group of fans because they were taking a selfie as she started performing her song Tin Man. Apparently, she found that disrespectful so she stopped the song after a few tunes and addressed the girls, which caused mixed emotions at the rest of the audience.  “I’m gonna stop right here for a second… These girls are worried about their selfie and not listening to the song. It’s p***ing me off a little bit,” she said as she pointed to the crowd.

Some of the people in attendance showed their support and saluted the singer while others didn’t like her comment and left the place as a sign of protest. As expected, the online community shared their opinions, which were divided.


Days after this performance, Lambert stopped the next concert as well, this time because she spotted a fan wearing a T-shirt that read, “Shoot tequila, not selfies.” Apparently, Lambert liked what she saw so she commented, “Her shirt says, ‘Shoot tequila, not selfies.’ She did it, I didn’t!”

This comment made some of her fans even angrier than before as they believed she addressed the backlash she faced in a completely wrong manner.

“Wow! Can’t believe this is her response to her rudeness,” one person wrote.

“Way to embarrass and shame your loyal fans who adore you,” one Twitter users wrote. “She could’ve poked fun and posed in the selfie and then encouraged them to be in the moment after that. Not cool.”

“Going to a concert is about creating an experience and a memory. If someone wants to take a picture to document that memory, they should be able to,” another Twitter user added.


The woman who was called out about taking a selfie shared the photo she took along with the caption, “It was 30 seconds at most,” referring to the time she and her friends spent on taking it and added that they “took the picture quickly and were going to sit back down.”

The woman, Adela Calin, said she was totally “appalled” when Lambert embarrassed them in front of everyone present.

“It felt like I was back at school with the teacher scolding me for doing something wrong and telling me to sit down back in my place,” she said. “… I feel like she was determined to make us look like we were young, immature and vain. But we were just grown women in our 30s to 60s trying to take a picture.”

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