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Mother welcomes her first child at the age of 66: This is what their life looks like today

  • Family
  • 4 min read

Woman becomes a mother at 66 – But better sit before you see her daughter now.

In today’s world, people tend to be very judgmental. It seems that a lot more time needs to pass until we learn not to judge others for the way they decide to live their life.

Adriana Iliescu from Romania became a hot topic in her country for becoming a mother at the age of 66. Many considered her decision selfish and believed she shouldn’t have given birth at such old age. She, on the other hand, was over the moon to finally be blessed with a bundle of joy.

Baby Eliza was born in 2005, and the news of her birth spread worldwide.

In 2010, when Eliza was five years old, her mother decided to open up about everything she was forced to go through because of people’s mean comments.

“The mirror is unkind to women, but if we are talking about my energy then I feel like a young woman. I feel like I’m 27 and when I feel a bit more tired, I feel like I’m 37. I am healthier than women more than half my age,” she told Daily Mail.

“People think they are being funny when they call me granny, but I didn’t have Eliza to make me look younger. I never feel my years.”

During the interview with the British tabloid, then 71-year-old Adriana said that she was planning on having another child because it was medically possible for her to give birth yet again.

”Medically, it’s possible,” she said. ”I ­understand there are trials going on with a 70-year-old woman in England, so it could be done. I am fine and healthy and I think it would be possible to have another child in the future, but I’m not in a rush at the moment.”

Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media/Getty Images

Adriana is a great mother and Eliza loves her to the moon and back. Although many call her granny, Eliza doesn’t bother her mother is older than her friends’ mothers.

“I don’t smoke and I don’t drink. If I live as long as my parents did, Eliza will be 20 by the time I pass away. I think I still have a lot to give her,” Adriana says.

When she was young, Adriana was married and got pregnant, but she lost the baby and her husband left her. After that, she focused all her time on her career as a professor at a university in Bucharest.

“I couldn’t even think about a child, as I was working,” she said and continued: “But, from the age of 37, after I had ­completed my doctorate, I was ready to have a child. But there was not IVF back then.”

Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media/Getty Images

When she shared with her family and friends that she wanted to become a mother, they all considered her decision crazy and many turned their backs on her. However, she was determined to have a child and her wish came true after she met Dr. Bogdan Marinescu for a treatment. The first treatment failed, and then she became pregnant with triplets. Sadly, two of the babies died and Eliza was the only one who stayed alive. She was born prematurely and needed to spend quite some time at the hospital, but she eventually reached all the milestones and today she is a healthy 17-year-old lady.

Eliza is following into her mother’s academic footsteps and is an excellent student.

When Eliza was still young Adriana wanted to baptize her, but the nuns looked at her with resentment and one even said that the girl was “the product of dark force.” Adriana, on other hand, says that her daughter is a gift from God.

Today, at the age of 83, Adriana still works as a half-time lecturer and is writing children’s’ books.

Adriana made a deal with the doctor who performed her IVF that in case she passes, he will become the girl’s legal guardian.

We hope this brave mother will be around for a lot more years and will get to see her daughter graduate from college. We wish both of them only the best.

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